Birthday Spotlight: TAWNA BOAT
Meet the Owner of The Corner Bar & Grill in Coquille, Tawna Boat!
Meet the Cast!
Halloween season is upon us and Coos Corner Cabaret is here to make sure you get your fix! Meet the Cast for the upcoming Something Wicked show at The Corner Bar in Coquille, October 19!
RESCHEDULED - Hot Summer Nights!
Looking for some information about Hot Summer Nights? Look no further!
Performer Spotlight: Atilla the Buns
Meet Atilla the Buns—the tantalizing performer who encapsules the art of seductive rebellion.
Performer Spotlight: Petite Félicité
Petite Félicité is returning to the Coos Corner Cabaret stage on April 27 for World Burlesque Day! This sparkling hot “French 75 of Humboldt County” has moves and a style that’s sure to tease and tantalize you…
Kitten Spotlight: The Aquaophidian
Never phear! Aquaphidian is here! This sassy, cabaret stage kitten and performer is bringing her unique styles to the Coos Corner Cabaret stage on April 27! Read on to learn more about this dynamic performer…
Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Charisma
Dynamic charisma is the foundation for stage presence. In this article, we’ll talk a little bit about what it is and how to use it. For more information on Dynamic Charisma, consider taking our #YouToo Intro to Burlesque class!
Unveiling the Glamour: A Brief History of Burlesque
We know burlesque as a sexy and sassy art form today, but where did it start? How did it start? What is the history of burlesque?